From IdleOn MMO Wiki
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:SourcesQuery/doc
local p = {}
local cargo = mw.ext.cargo
function p.PullSourcesFromList(frame)
local item = frame.args.item
local tables = 'ItemSources'
local fields = 'SourcesList'
local args = {
where = 'ItemSources.Item="'.. item ..'"',
orderBy = 'ItemSources.Item'
local results = cargo.query( tables, fields, args )
if #results == 0 then return end -- if no results, return original string and continue.
-- There should only ever be one option if it exists so return that.
return results[1].SourcesList
function p.concatSourceStings(...)
local strings = {...}
local fullString = ''
for n=1, #strings do
if fullString ~= '' then fullString = fullString .. ', ' end
fullString = fullString .. strings[n]
return fullString ~= '' and fullString or 'Unobtainable'
function p.Main( frame )
local item = frame.args.item
local smith = SmithingSources(item) or ''
local drops = DropTableSources(item) or ''
local quest = QuestSources(item) or ''
local shops = VendorSources(item) or ''
local posts = PostOfficeSources(item) or ''
local custm = CustomSources(item) or ''
local result = p.concatSourceStings(smith, drops, quest, shops, posts, custm)
return result
function SmithingSources(item)
local tables = 'AnvilCraft'
local fields = 'RecipeFrom'
local args = {
where = 'AnvilCraft.Item="'.. item ..'"',
orderBy = 'AnvilCraft.Item'
local results = cargo.query( tables, fields, args )
if #results == 0 then return end -- if no results, return original string and continue.
local from = ''
-- Unless there are two recipes for an item, this should only have one entry.
if 'Start' ~= results[1].RecipeFrom then
from = string.format(' (%s)', results[1].RecipeFrom)
return string.format('[[Smithing]]%s', from)
function DropTableSources(item)
local fullList = {}
local tables = 'DropTables'
local fields = 'DropSourceEntity'
local args = {
where = 'DropTables.DropItem="'.. item ..'" AND NOT DropTables.DropSourceEntity LIKE "%DropTable%"',
groupBy = 'DropTables.DropSourceEntity',
orderBy = 'DropTables.DropSourceEntity ASC'
local results = cargo.query( tables, fields, args )
if #results == 0 then return end -- if no results, return original string and continue.
local source = ''
for r = 1, #results do
source = results[r].DropSourceEntity
fullList[r] = string.format('[[%s]]', source)
return table.concat(fullList, ", ")
function QuestSources(item)
local fullList = {}
local tables = 'Quests'
local fields = '_pageName'
local args = {
where = 'Quests.Rewards HOLDS LIKE "%>'.. item ..'<%"',
groupBy = 'Quests._pageName',
local results = cargo.query( tables, fields, args )
if #results == 0 then return end -- if no results, return original string and continue.
local source = ''
for r = 1, #results do
source = results[r]._pageName
fullList[r] = string.format('[[%s]]', source)
return table.concat(fullList, ", ")
function VendorSources(item)
local fullList = {}
local tables = 'VendorItems'
local fields = 'Vendor'
local args = {
where = 'VendorItems.Item="'.. item ..'"',
orderBy = 'VendorItems.Vendor',
local results = cargo.query( tables, fields, args )
if #results == 0 then return end -- if no results, return original string and continue.
local vendor = ''
for r = 1, #results do
vendor = results[r].Vendor
fullList[r] = string.format('[[Vendors#%s|%s]] (Shop)', vendor, vendor)
return table.concat(fullList, ", ")
function PostOfficeSources(item)
local fullList = {}
local companies = {'Simple Shippin', 'Plan-it Express', 'Dudes Next Door', 'Down Undelivery', 'Alpine Suppliers', 'Cosmic Carrier'}
local shortNames = {'SS', 'PE', 'DND', 'DU', 'AS', 'CC'} -- Handling it this way so we can control the order.
local boolTracker = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} --Used to track which Company offers the same item as a reward.
local tables = 'PORewards'
local fields = 'Company'
local args = {
where = 'PORewards.Item="'.. item ..'"',
local results = cargo.query( tables, fields, args )
if #results == 0 then return end -- if no results, return original string and continue.
local company = ''
for r = 1, #results do
company = results[r].Company
for c = 1, #companies do
if company == companies[c] then boolTracker[c] = 1 end
local compTable = {}
for b = 1, #boolTracker do
if boolTracker[b] == 1 then
compTable[#compTable+1] = string.format('<span class="simple-tooltip simple-tooltip-inline tooltipstered" style="color: #b847cb;" data-simple-tooltip="%s">[[Post Office#%s|%s]]</span>', companies[b], companies[b], shortNames[b])
return string.format('[[Post Office#Companies & Rewards|Post Office]] (%s)', table.concat(compTable, ", "))
function CustomSources(item)
local fullList = {}
local tables = 'ExtraSourceData'
local fields = 'Link, SpecialText, EventRules'
local args = {
where = 'ExtraSourceData.Item="'.. item ..'"',
orderBy = 'ExtraSourceData.Source',
local results = cargo.query( tables, fields, args )
if #results == 0 then return end -- if no results, return original string and continue.
local EventRulesCounter = 0
local link = ''
local sText = ''
local tableSize = #fullList
for r = 1, #results do
link = results[r].Link
sText = results[r].SpecialText
EventRulesCounter = EventRulesCounter + results[r].EventRules
if sText ~= 'None' then
sText = string.format(' (%s)', sText)
sText = ''
fullList[tableSize+r] = string.format('[[%s]]%s', link, sText)
-- If item is a special drop then append the following to the last entry so it isn't split by commas later.
if EventRulesCounter > 0 then fullList[#fullList] = fullList[#fullList] .. "<br/>''Additional Event drop.''" end
return table.concat(fullList, ", ")
-- This one is just to get the Drop Chance value for an Item.
function p.DropChance(frame)
local item = frame.args.item
local result = ''
local tables = 'DropTables'
local fields = 'DropItem, DropRate'
-- DropItem="{{{1|{{PAGENAME}}}}}" AND NOT DropSourceEntity LIKE "%DropTable%"
local args = {
where = 'DropTables.DropItem = "'.. item ..'" AND NOT DropSourceEntity LIKE "%DropTable%"',
orderBy = 'DropTables.DropRate DESC'
local results = cargo.query( tables, fields, args )
if #results == 0 then result = 0 else result = '' .. results[1].DropRate end -- Gets the highest drop rate.
mw.ext.VariablesLua.vardefine('Chance', result)
return result
return p