Lafu Shi

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Quest Information for Lafu Shi
Quest Name Quest Text Difficulty Requirements Consumed? Rewards Notes
Account Wide icon.png
Seed Planting
Go to the compost bag select a seed then click the empty land plot. Difficulty 1.png Seed planted: > 1 No 3xCompost Bag.png Compost Bag
Account Wide icon.png
Visiting the Farmer's Market
Grow apples pick apples spend apples to buy more land! Difficulty 1.png Apples Picked: > 2, Land Plots Purchased: > 1 No 4xCompost Bag.png Compost Bag, 2xSand of Time.png Sand of Time
Account Wide icon.png
Climbing the Ninja Hotel
Embrace Sneaking culture and Sneak your way up the hotel! Difficulty 1.png Find Jade Coins: > 100, Upg Looting Ambition: > 1, Find n Equip Nunchaku: > 1 No 2xCompost Bag.png Compost Bag, 3xSand of Time.png Sand of Time
Account Wide icon.png
Emporium Investing
Purchase something from the Jade Emporium. These bonuses are MAJOR big time awesome!! Difficulty 1.png Emporium Purchases: > 1 No 3xCompost Bag.png Compost Bag, 2xSand of Time.png Sand of Time
Account Wide icon.png
Summoning Debut
Win a Summoning Match. Your slime army should come out victorious if you place them correctly! Difficulty 1.png Open Summoner's Table: > 1, Win a Match: > 1 No 2xSummoner Stone.png Summoner Stone
Account Wide icon.png
Essence Juicing
Click the white Summoning Stone on the pillar and spend your essence. Difficulty 1.png Buy Summon Upgrades: > 3, Win 2nd Match: > 1 No 2xCompost Bag.png Compost Bag, 1xSand of Time.png Sand of Time, 2xSummoner Stone.png Summoner Stone
Dialogue Table for Lafu Shi
Dialogue Text Quest
Hi! You've come a long way to get here I can tell... welcome to the Spirited Valley faceless traveler!
Being a foreigner I insist you learn our customs and activities before continuing your journey... specifically our ways of Farming Sneaking and Summoning.
Lets begin with farming! Start by planting a seed.
MAIN QUEST:Go to the compost bag select a seed then click the empty land plot.
Seed Planting
Clear some inventory Space!
You plant good... very good indeed... but there is more to it than just planting.
Wait for the seed to grow or use the Compost I just gave you and then collect the crops that grow and spend them at the market!
MAIN QUEST:Grow apples pick apples spend apples to buy more land!
Visiting the Farmer's Market
Clear some inventory Space!
Impressive you successfully cultivated 1 out of over 100 crops! Strangely that actually makes you the best farmer in the valley I didn't even know what an apple was before you came along!
Moving on...
We do a bit of Sneaking at the abandoned hotel go check it out to the right!
MAIN QUEST:Embrace Sneaking culture and Sneak your way up the hotel!
Climbing the Ninja Hotel
Clear some inventory Space!
What are ninja twins you ask? Well over time we found that the hotel was just too scary to do ourselves so we created a temporal field that duplicates one's soul into a twin to control!
Now to put that Jade to good use! MAIN QUEST:Purchase something from the Jade Emporium. These bonuses are MAJOR big time awesome!! Emporium Investing
Clear some inventory Space!
The final activity you must understand is Summoning!
See that table to the right? Go there and find an opponent!
MAIN QUEST:Win a Summoning Match. Your slime army should come out victorious if you place them correctly!
Summoning Debut
Clear some inventory Space!
That was a strong debut very sophisticated moves you made. Although clicking on those cards thinking you could select them was a bit of a blunder if you ask me...
Now the final task... upgrading your Summoning Slime Army!
MAIN QUEST:Click the white Summoning Stone on the pillar and spend your essence.
Essence Juicing
Clear some inventory Space!
I can tell you have cultivated a respect for our way of life out here in the Spirited Valley. Go now venture off to wherever your spirit yearns for.