
From IdleOn MMO Wiki
< User:BigCoight‎ | sandbox
Revision as of 09:40, 28 January 2021 by imported>BigCoight

Changed NPCs

TP Pete
Roll of Anger
QuestText: Go defeat 50 poops in 200 seconds. => Go defeat 40 poops in 200 seconds.

The Smithing Grind
NextIndex: 24 => 51
Can't somebody else do it?
QuestText: => Reach Lv 7, then create a 2nd character at the main menu! You can treat them as a laborer to gather materials for you!
DialogueText: => No real gamer does everything for themself! Go create a 2nd character to gather items for you!
NextIndex: => 54
CustomType: => Scripticus13
ConsumeItems: => !1
InventorySpacesNeeded: => 1
NoSpaceIndex: => 53
QuestName: => Scripticus52
Rewards: => [['Armor Upgrade Stone I', '1'], ['1 HR Time Candy', '2'], ['Class Experience', '130']]
CustomReq: => ['2nd Character Created:: 1', 'Storage Chest Used:: 1']

Picnic Stowaway
The Hungry Stowaway
QuestText: Buy some Nomwiches from the Town Shop. => Buy and bring 50 Nomwiches from the Town Shop.
Don't Desert the Dessert
DialogueText: {{{2}}} => {{{3}}}

Three Right Answers
NoSpaceIndex: 11 => 24

Videogame Highscores are COOL!
QuestText: Get a score of 52 in the Choppin Minigame. => Get a score of 42 in the Choppin Minigame.
CustomReq: ['Choppin Score:: 52'] => ['Choppin Score:: 42']

Builder Bird
Restoring Power to the Portal
DialogueText: {{{2}}} => {{{3}}}

Papua Piggea
Crystal Crime Stopper
DialogueText: {{{2}}} => {{{3}}}
Rewards: [['Small Experience Balloon', '2'], ['Class Experience', '2500']] => [['Small Experience Balloon', '4'], ['Class Experience', '2500'], ['4 HR Time Candy', '2']]
Stamp Collecting
Rewards: [['Comin SoonTM', '1'], ['Small Experience Balloon', '3'], ['Coins', '1e4']] => [['Potion Stamp', '1'], ['Small Experience Balloon', '3'], ['Coins', '1e4']]
Requirements: ['3 Longsword Stamp', '5 Mana Stamp', '2 Fishing Rod Stamp'] => ['3 Longsword Stamp', '5 Mana Stamp', '2 Smart Dirt Stamp']

7 Figure Followers
Rewards: [['Comin SoonTM', '1'], ['Steve Sword', '1'], ['Bullseye Stamp', '1']] => [['Golden Apple Stamp', '1'], ['Steve Sword', '1'], ['Bullseye Stamp', '1']]

Specialization Station
InventorySpacesNeeded: 2 => 0
NoSpaceIndex: 9 => 8

Uncovering the Deep Sea State!!!
CustomReq: ['Fish Caught:: 11', 'Time Left: > 1. Starting at: 121'] => ['Fish Caught:: 7', 'Time Left: > 1. Starting at: 121']

Genie Dieting
Rewards: 'Special14 Talent Book', 1 => '1 HR Time Candy', '8'
Requirements: ['1500 Average Mana Potion', '2000 Icing Ironbite', '2500 Jellyfish'] => ['2000 Average Mana Potion', '4000 Icing Ironbite', '1000 Jellyfish']
I'm Blue Dabadedada
QuestText: => Defeat Moonmen and retrieve some ghosts
DialogueText: => {{{3}}}
NextIndex: => 7
CustomType: => Djonnut2
ConsumeItems: => !1
InventorySpacesNeeded: => 1
NoSpaceIndex: => 6
QuestName: => Djonnut5
Rewards: => "Efaunt's Tomb Key", '2'
CustomReq: => ['Moonmen Touched:: 30000', 'Ghosts Collected:: 2']

Criminal Code of Conduct
QuestText: Get some Lv Up gifts from the Yellow Cauldron Bubble. => Find the perfect gift for an animated gold bar monarch. You may have to sift through a lot of crap to find it!
DialogueText: {{{2}}} => {{{3}}}
Requirements: ['5 Pre Crime Box'] => ['1 Golden Plop']
Dress to Impress
DialogueText: {{{2}}} => {{{3}}}

Spooky Scary Skelepoops
QuestText: => Defeat the Boops!
DialogueText: => {{{3}}}
NextIndex: => 5
CustomType: => Meel1
ConsumeItems: => !1
InventorySpacesNeeded: => 1
NoSpaceIndex: => 4
QuestName: => Meel3
Rewards: => 'Gem', '25'
CustomReq: => ['Boops Bopped:: 30']
Waitin' for the Cards to Drop
QuestText: => Collect Bonemeal for Meel! This will take a while...
DialogueText: => {{{3}}}
NextIndex: => 8
ConsumeItems: => !0
InventorySpacesNeeded: => 2
NoSpaceIndex: => 7
QuestName: => Meel6
Rewards: => [['Death Wish', '1'], ['Armor Upgrade Stone C', '6']]
Requirements: => ['777 Bonemeal']

Snake Jar
Lookin' Like a Snack
QuestText: => Get some teeth so you can be eaten! Mmm, yummy!
DialogueText: => {{{3}}}
NextIndex: => 5
ConsumeItems: => !0
InventorySpacesNeeded: => 2
NoSpaceIndex: => 4
QuestName: => Snake Jar3
Rewards: => [['Warped Helmet Upgrade Stone', '3'], ['Gem', '6']]
Requirements: => ['4200 Megalodon Tooth']
Red Stuff Bad!
QuestText: => BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GODS!!! Err... I mean, get HP pots!
DialogueText: => {{{3}}}
NextIndex: => 8
ConsumeItems: => !0
InventorySpacesNeeded: => 2
NoSpaceIndex: => 7
QuestName: => Snake Jar6
Rewards: => [['Storage Chest 11', '1'], ['12 HR Time Candy', '1']]
Requirements: => ['8500 Small Life Potion']
PSA. You Are Being Eaten!
QuestText: => Wait, why do they want to pretend to have eaten you again? Uh oh, I don't like the look of that Quest Helper...
DialogueText: => {{{3}}}
NextIndex: => 11
CustomType: => Snake Jar3
ConsumeItems: => !1
InventorySpacesNeeded: => 3
NoSpaceIndex: => 10
QuestName: => Snake Jar9
Rewards: => [['Jar', '1'], ['Medium Experience Balloon', '3'], ['Gem', '20']]
CustomReq: => ['Survive being Eaten:: 4', 'Stand Near Snake Jar:: 1']

Rhyming is Key!
InventorySpacesNeeded: 2 => 3
Rewards: [['Mystery Upgrade Stone I', '2'], ['Gem', '2']] => [['Mystery Upgrade Stone I', '3'], ['Gem', '4'], ['Small Experience Balloon', '5']]

Platforms in Disguise, Platsformers!
QuestText: => Find the 3 invisible platforms hidden throughout the game.
DialogueText: => {{{3}}}
NextIndex: => 5
CustomType: => Wellington1
ConsumeItems: => !1
InventorySpacesNeeded: => 2
NoSpaceIndex: => 4
QuestName: => Wellington3
Rewards: => [['Brainstew Stamps', '1'], ['Arcane Stamp', '1']]
CustomReq: => ['Platform 1 Found:: 1', 'Platform 2 Found:: 1', 'Platform 3 Found:: 1']
Findin' Fingerprints
QuestText: => Collect materials, maybe the blobulyte left some fingerprints on one?
DialogueText: => {{{3}}}
NextIndex: => 8
ConsumeItems: => !0
InventorySpacesNeeded: => 3
NoSpaceIndex: => 7
QuestName: => Wellington6
Rewards: => [['Gem', '5'], ['Fly Intel Stamp', '1'], ['Holy Mackerel Stamp', '1']]
Requirements: => ['2500 High Steaks', '2500 Wakka Cherry', '2500 Singlecle']
You Can't Run, but you Can Hide
QuestText: => Give up on your search for the Maestro Blobulyte by saying 'Darn you, Blobulyte! Why must you hide like a coward?'
DialogueText: => {{{3}}}
NextIndex: => 12
CustomType: => Wellington3
ConsumeItems: => !1
InventorySpacesNeeded: => 2
NoSpaceIndex: => 11
QuestName: => Wellington10
Rewards: => [['Talent II Stamp', '1'], ['Medium Experience Balloon', '2']]
CustomReq: => ["Up's Given:: 1"]

Cowbo Jones
The Hatless Howerhouse!
QuestText: Kill 10 Sandy Pots, without your precious hat equipped. => Kill 20 Sandy Pots, without your precious hat equipped.
Children? What'd they ever do for Me...
CustomReq: ['Donations Made:: 13'] => ['Donations Made:: 4']

Giftmas Blobulyte
You Shouldn't Have! No, really.
InventorySpacesNeeded: 1 => 2

New NPCs



Constructor Crow

Down The Mimic Hole!
QuestText: => Defeat all mimics before the time runs out.
DialogueText: => {{{3}}}
NextIndex: => 4
CustomType: => Centurion1
ConsumeItems: => !1
InventorySpacesNeeded: => 1
NoSpaceIndex: => 3
QuestName: => Centurion2
Rewards: => [['Colosseum Ticket', '1'], ['Class Experience', '100']]
CustomReq: => ['Mimics Defeated:: 21', 'Time Remaining: > 1. Starting at: 40']
Which one of yous is the Mafia?
QuestText: => Defeat Mafiosos and bring proof.
DialogueText: => {{{3}}}
NextIndex: => 9
ConsumeItems: => !0
InventorySpacesNeeded: => 2
NoSpaceIndex: => 8
QuestName: => Centurion7
Rewards: => [['1 HR Time Candy', '2'], ['Colosseum Ticket', '2'], ['Coins', '1e4']]
Requirements: => ['2500 Coconotnotto']
High Scorer
QuestText: => Get a 200K+ colosseum score. Remember to skip rounds to grow your score multiplier!
DialogueText: => Before you join the ranks of my Decurios, I need to see you fight with valor in my colosseum.
NextIndex: => 13
CustomType: => Centurion3
ConsumeItems: => !1
InventorySpacesNeeded: => 1
NoSpaceIndex: => 12
QuestName: => Centurion11
Rewards: => [['2 HR Time Candy', '2'], ['Coins', '2e4']]
CustomReq: => ['Colosseum Score:: 200000']
Colosseum Champ!
QuestText: => Complete all 15 waves with a final score of 350K+
DialogueText: => Alright Dodecahedron... er, Decurio, if you can slay my colosseum boss, and bring in a colosseum hiscore, I'll let you become my new Tesserarius.
NextIndex: => 17
CustomType: => Centurion4
ConsumeItems: => !1
InventorySpacesNeeded: => 2
NoSpaceIndex: => 16
QuestName: => Centurion15
Rewards: => [['4 HR Time Candy', '1'], ['2 HR Time Candy', '2'], ['Coins', '5e4']]
CustomReq: => ['Waves Completed:: 15', 'Colosseum Score:: 350000']
Colosseum GDQ
QuestText: => Complete the three colosseums with lots of Time Remaining after beating all waves.
DialogueText: => {{{3}}}
NextIndex: => 21
CustomType: => Centurion5
ConsumeItems: => !1
InventorySpacesNeeded: => 2
NoSpaceIndex: => 20
QuestName: => Centurion19
Rewards: => [['12 HR Time Candy', '1'], ['Gem', '30'], ['Coins', '1e5']]
CustomReq: => ['1st Colosseum:: 180', '2nd Colosseum:: 170', '3rd Colosseum:: 160']

XxX Cattleprod XxX
Peak Gaming
QuestText: => Kill all the Mafioso's before they respawn.
DialogueText: => {{{3}}}
NextIndex: => 5
CustomType: => XxX Cattleprod XxX1
ConsumeItems: => !1
InventorySpacesNeeded: => 3
NoSpaceIndex: => 4
QuestName: => XxX Cattleprod XxX3
Rewards: => [["Lil' Mining Baggy Stamp", '1'], ['Catch Net Stamp', '1']]
CustomReq: => ['Mafiosos Defeated:: 15', 'Time Left: > 1. Starting at: 30']
Wait No, I meant Pathetic Gaming
QuestText: => Defeat Mafiosos and Sand Castles super fast
DialogueText: => {{{3}}}
NextIndex: => 8
CustomType: => XxX Cattleprod XxX2
ConsumeItems: => !1
InventorySpacesNeeded: => 2
NoSpaceIndex: => 7
QuestName: => XxX Cattleprod XxX6
Rewards: => [['Mason Jar Stamp', '1'], ['Fishhead Stamp', '1']]
CustomReq: => ['Mafiosos Defeated:: 30', 'Sand Castles Defeated:: 18', 'Time Left: > 1. Starting at: 67']
Ok, NOW it's Peak Gaming!
QuestText: => Collect ratings from mobs and ask other players whose names start with P or S to say '1 star, game sucks!' to collect more ratings.
DialogueText: => {{{3}}}
NextIndex: => 13
ConsumeItems: => !0
InventorySpacesNeeded: => 1
NoSpaceIndex: => 12
QuestName: => XxX Cattleprod XxX11
Rewards: => [['Stat Graph Stamp', '1'], ['Coins', '2e4']]
Requirements: => ['1000 Monster Rating', '1 Player Rating With Letter P', '1 Player Rating With Letter S']