Revision as of 10:30, 8 May 2022 by BigCoight(talk | contribs)(Created page with "<div class="GenericFlex"><div class="GenericChild"> ==Changes== {{patchnote/head|changed=Defender}} {{patchnote|Description|Throws an Armored Shield, which gives 90% block chance to pets it passes over, and deals 50% Damage|Throws an Armored Shield, which gives 85% block chance to pets it passes over, and deals 50% Damage|0}} |} </div><div class="GenericChild"> ==New== </div></div>")
➥ Description: Throws an Armored Shield, which gives 90% block chance to pets it passes over, and deals 50% Damage => Throws an Armored Shield, which gives 85% block chance to pets it passes over, and deals 50% Damage