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Revision as of 04:42, 24 February 2024 by BigCoight (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="GenericFlex"><div class="GenericChild"> ==Changes== {{patchnote/head|changed=Cauliflower}} {{patchnote|Description|The white part is called Curd. Welp, time to recategorize this as an educational game!|The white part is called Curd! Hmm, time to recategorize this as an educational game!|0}} |} {{patchnote/head|changed=Turkey a la Thank}} {{patchnote|Description|Do I smell gratitude? Oh, no that's colonialization...|Do I smell gratitude? Oh, no, that's coloni...")
(diff) ← Older revision | Latest revision (diff) | Newer revision → (diff)


Description: The white part is called Curd. Welp, time to recategorize this as an educational game! => The white part is called Curd! Hmm, time to recategorize this as an educational game!
Turkey a la Thank
Description: Do I smell gratitude? Oh, no that's colonialization... => Do I smell gratitude? Oh, no, that's colonialization...
Sausy Sausage
Description: Plump innit! Would go great with some mommy milk! => Plump innit! Would go great with some momey milk!


Burned Marshmallow
Name: => Burned Marshmallow
Cooking Req: => 90000000000000
Bonus Qty: => 40
Bonus Text: => +{% Meal Cooking Speed
Description: => IMPORTANT, this bonus DOUBLES at Farming Lv 50. Triples at Farming Lv 100, and so on!
Bonus Key: => zMealFarm
Bill Jack Pepper
Name: => Bill Jack Pepper
Cooking Req: => 35000000000000
Bonus Qty: => 5
Bonus Text: => +{% Crop Evolution Chance
Description: => It's Him.
Bonus Key: => zCropEvo
Name: => Plumpcakes
Cooking Req: => 6000000000000000
Bonus Qty: => 6
Bonus Text: => +{% Total Damage
Description: => Ohhh, they're called 'plump'cakes because they're dummy thicc can I get an amen!
Bonus Key: => TotDmg
Name: => Frazzleberry
Cooking Req: => 1000000000000
Bonus Qty: => 2
Bonus Text: => +{% Sneaking EXP
Description: => Big. Blue. Beautiful. Boing. Boat. Broom. Balls. Backgammon. Bort.
Bonus Key: => zSneakExp
Large Pohayoh
Name: => Large Pohayoh
Cooking Req: => 6000000000000
Bonus Qty: => 2
Bonus Text: => +{% Summoning EXP
Description: => Aye lad if thah ain't tha larjes' fookin' poh'ay'oh eyev evah seen wih me own eyes!
Bonus Key: => zSummonExp
Misterloin Steak
Name: => Misterloin Steak
Cooking Req: => 1700000000000
Bonus Qty: => 6
Bonus Text: => +{% Jade gain from Sneaking
Description: => Make sure to paint on the grill marks to really give it that extra taste!
Bonus Key: => zJade
Seasoned Marrow
Name: => Seasoned Marrow
Cooking Req: => 350000000000
Bonus Qty: => 3
Bonus Text: => +{% Farming EXP
Description: => You ate all the edible stuff around the bone? Why not try the stuff inside the bone!
Bonus Key: => zFarmExp
Sticky Bun
Name: => Sticky Bun
Cooking Req: => 700000000000
Bonus Qty: => 5
Bonus Text: => +{% All Summoning Essence Gain
Description: => This frosting better be made of superglue or I'm suing for false advertising.
Bonus Key: => zSumEss
Name: => Nyanborgir
Cooking Req: => 50000000000000000
Bonus Qty: => 9
Bonus Text: => +{% Crop Evolution Chance
Description: => It's the greatest meal ever! Bonus DOUBLES at Summoning Lv 50, Triples at 100, etc
Bonus Key: => zCropEvoSumm
Yumi Peachring
Name: => Yumi Peachring
Cooking Req: => 800000000000000
Bonus Qty: => 2
Bonus Text: => +{% All Golden Food bonus
Description: => Don't disrespect the ring. All hail the ring.
Bonus Key: => zGoldFood
Head Chef Geustloaf
Name: => Head Chef Geustloaf
Cooking Req: => 10000000000
Bonus Qty: => 4
Bonus Text: => +{% Bits Gained in Gaming
Description: => How DARE you question the honorable Chef Geustloaf's cooking abilities!
Bonus Key: => GamingBits