Charge Syphon
➥ Description: => Steal charge from all your players, giving you {% of it. +}% Max Charge for 1 Min
➥ X1: => 35
➥ X2: => .3
➥ FuncX: => bigBase
➥ Y1: => 100
➥ Y2: => 10
➥ FuncY: => bigBase
➥ Level Up Text: => +{% Steal, +}% Temp Max
➥ Description: => +{% Worship Efficiency per power of 10 Forest Souls in your Storage Chest
➥ X1: => 25
➥ X2: => 70
➥ FuncX: => decay
➥ Level Up Text: => +{% Worship Eff.
Bless Up
➥ Description: => +{% Worship EXP gain. Access the other totems faster!
➥ X1: => 1
➥ X2: => 0
➥ FuncX: => add
➥ Level Up Text: => +{% Worship EXP
Nearby Outlet
➥ Description: => {x Charge rate. You know, for Worship... No, not for your phone.
➥ X1: => 1
➥ X2: => 100
➥ FuncX: => decayMulti
➥ Level Up Text: => +{x Charge Rate