Changelog/1.54/Lab Bonus

From IdleOn MMO Wiki


Shrine World Tour
Y: 113 => 200
Viaduct of the Gods
Y: 244 => 113


Sigils of Olden Alchemy
No: => 12
X: => 400
Y: => 390
Range: => 90
Bonus Off: => 1
Name: => Sigils of Olden Alchemy
Description: => Allows you to level up Alchemy Sigils by assigning players in alchemy, at a base rate of 1 sigil xp per hour. @ Sigils can be leveled up just twice: Once to unlock their bonus, and once more to boost their bonus. Their bonuses are passive, and apply to all characters always.
Viral Connection
No: => 13
X: => 1430
Y: => 265
Range: => 90
Bonus Off: => 50
Name: => Viral Connection
Description: => All mainframe bonuses and jewels have a 50% larger connection range, unless it states otherwise. @ This bonus always has a 80px connection range no matter what!