The Greenie Gucci Gang
➥ Type: => Custom
➥ Dialogue Text: => YO it's the Greenie Gang ice them fools and you've got one of them classes comin' your way dog. QUEST:Defeat all the Greenie Genies in the Greenie Gang.
➥ Name: => The Greenie Gucci Gang
➥ 0: => 7 50
➥ Difficulty: => 5
Custom Array
➥ 0: => Defeat the Greenie Gang: > 10
Elite Class For The Elites In Class
➥ Type: => Custom
➥ Dialogue Text: =>
➥ Name: => Elite Class for the Elites in Class
➥ 0: => 1 50 96 48 23
➥ Difficulty: => 5
Custom Array
➥ 0: => Select an Elite Class: > 1