Changelog/1.77/Gem Shop

From IdleOn MMO Wiki


Limited Specials
Honk Ring
Section: Chat Rings => Limited Specials
Cost: 300 => 275
No: 29 => 92
Max Purchases: 100000 => 1
Name Of Item
Desc: Super close to getting a rose? Well don't worry I'll give you one more shot... good luck! Buying this will give you 100 Valenslimes Day Choco boxes. => blah blah what a bore
Cost: 325 => 395
No: 92 => 94
Max Purchases: 1 => 3
Galaxy Card Pack
Section: Cards => Limited Specials
Cost: 650 => 1
No: 69 => 89
Max Purchases: 100000 => 1
Smolderin Card Pack
Section: Cards => Limited Specials
Cost: 690 => 390
No: 61 => 90
Max Purchases: 100000 => 2


Limited Specials
Elemental Sorcerer Hat
Section: => Limited Specials
Name: => EquipmentHats82
Mtx Name: => Elemental Sorcerer Hat
Item Display Name: => Ele Sorcerer Pointed Hat
Desc: => You can't be a real sorcerer without a big wizard hat! Comes with a +5% All Stats bonus, so your STR AGI WIS LUK will be in good hands!
Cost: => 790
No: => 87
Max Purchases: => 1
Qty: => 1
Cosmic Time Candy
Section: => Limited Specials
Name: => Timecandy9
Mtx Name: => Cosmic Time Candy
Item Display Name: => Cosmic Time Candy
Desc: => A time candy that gives a random amount of time for a nonrandom cost of gems? How inexplicable! @ These candies give up to 500 hours, but on average give 24 hrs.
Cost: => 395
No: => 91
Max Purchases: => 6
Qty: => 1
Drop Rate Keychain
Section: => Limited Specials
Name: => EquipmentKeychain11
Mtx Name: => Drop Rate Keychain
Item Display Name: => Relic Chain
Desc: => This keychain comes with +25% Drop Rate bonus! Currently, the best possible Drop Rate keychain is 16%, so this is the best Drop Rate Keychain in the game yo!
Cost: => 725
No: => 88
Max Purchases: => 2
Cost Increment: => 200