Limited Specials
World 4 Kill Ring
➥ Section: => Limited Specials
➥ Name: => EquipmentRings32
➥ Mtx Name: => World 4 Kill Ring
➥ Item Display Name: => Nebula Killer Ring
➥ Desc: => All kills in World 4 count for 1.30x for opening portals to the next map. Helps you get to World 5 faster! 30% Faster to be exact!
➥ Cost: => 885
➥ No: => 87
➥ Max Purchases: => 1
➥ Qty: => 1
Random Hyper Obol
➥ Section: => Limited Specials
➥ Name: => GemP25
➥ Mtx Name: => Random Hyper Obol
➥ Item Display Name: => Hyper Obol Stack
➥ Desc: => Gives you a random Circle Hyper Obol! The four equal possibilites are +4% DROP RATE, +2% ALL STAT, +3% DAMAGE, and +2% MULTIKILL PER TIER!
➥ Cost: => 450
➥ No: => 91
➥ Max Purchases: => 5
Siege Captain Cap
➥ Section: => Limited Specials
➥ Name: => EquipmentHats81
➥ Mtx Name: => Siege Captain Cap
➥ Item Display Name: => Siege Captain Cap
➥ Desc: => Arr matey, this thar Premium Hat gives +10% Drop Rate, so ye can get back to plunderin' across the 7 seas... er, 5 worlds!
➥ Cost: => 480
➥ No: => 94
➥ Max Purchases: => 1
➥ Qty: => 1
Mob Respawn Keychain
➥ Section: => Limited Specials
➥ Name: => EquipmentKeychain22
➥ Mtx Name: => Mob Respawn Keychain
➥ Item Display Name: => Negative 7 Chain
➥ Desc: => This keychain comes with +20% Mob Respawn bonus! Currently, the best possible Mob Respawn keychain is 12%, so this is the best Mob Respawn Keychain in the game!
➥ Cost: => 725
➥ No: => 88
➥ Max Purchases: => 2