Special Talent 3
Dummy Thicc Stats
➥ Name: => Dummy Thicc Stats
➥ Description: => +{% All Stat per POW 10 best DPS ever on the Target Dummy
➥ X 1: => 0.35
➥ X 2: => 50
➥ Func X: => decay
➥ Y 1: => 0
➥ Y 2: => 0
➥ Func Y: => txt
➥ Lvl Up Text: => +{% All Stat
➥ Skill Index: => 653
➥ Active Data: => None
Rando Event Looty
➥ Name: => Rando Event Looty
➥ Description: => +{% AFK Gains Rate per Random Event Rare Item found
➥ X 1: => 0.75
➥ X 2: => 100
➥ Func X: => decay
➥ Y 1: => 0
➥ Y 2: => 0
➥ Func Y: => txt
➥ Lvl Up Text: => +{% Afk Per Rare
➥ Skill Index: => 650
➥ Active Data: => None
Filthy Damage
➥ Name: => Filthy Damage
➥ Description: => +{% damage for every power of 10 Garbage you have
➥ X 1: => 20
➥ X 2: => 100
➥ Func X: => decay
➥ Y 1: => 0
➥ Y 2: => 0
➥ Func Y: => txt
➥ Lvl Up Text: => +{% Dmg Per Pow 10 Garbo
➥ Skill Index: => 649
➥ Active Data: => None