Limited Specials
Cosmic Time Candy
➥ Section: => Limited Specials
➥ Name: => Timecandy9
➥ Mtx Name: => Cosmic Time Candy
➥ Item Display Name: => Cosmic Time Candy
➥ Desc: => 25% OFF, usually costs 395! A time candy that gives a random amount of time for a nonrandom cost of gems! @ These candies give up to 500 hours, but on average give 24 hrs.
➥ Cost: => 295
➥ No: => 91
➥ Max Purchases: => 10
➥ Qty: => 1
Large Exp Balloon
➥ Section: => Limited Specials
➥ Name: => ExpBalloon3
➥ Mtx Name: => Large Exp Balloon
➥ Item Display Name: => Large Experience Balloon
➥ Desc: => The classic red balloon has evaded thousands of monkey darts just to get here! Just like they are free of their monkey torment, they are all free in cost!
➥ Cost: => 1
➥ No: => 90
➥ Max Purchases: => 4
➥ Qty: => 1
Battle Trophies
➥ Section: => Limited Specials
➥ Name: => Trophie
➥ Mtx Name: => Battle Trophies
➥ Item Display Name: =>
➥ Desc: => Gives 25 trophies to spend in the Weekly Battle shop on new UI! Find the weekly battle in World 2 town, top right.
➥ Cost: => 650
➥ No: => 87
➥ Max Purchases: => 8
Elite Class Swap
➥ Section: => Limited Specials
➥ Name: => ClassSwapB
➥ Mtx Name: => Elite Class Swap
➥ Item Display Name: => Elite Class Swap Token
➥ Desc: => Gives 1 Elite Class Swap token. Use this to swap between elite classes of a certain category, like Blood Berserker to Divine Knight
➥ Cost: => 700
➥ No: => 94
➥ Max Purchases: => 3
➥ Qty: => 1
Random Cape Equip
➥ Section: => Limited Specials
➥ Name: => EquipmentCape0
➥ Mtx Name: => Random Cape Equip
➥ Item Display Name: => Angel Wings
➥ Desc: => Gives you a random cape equipment, chosen from the ENTIRE pool of capes in the game! There are currently 13 capes, check the wiki if you want exact stats on all of them.
➥ Cost: => 1150
➥ No: => 93
➥ Max Purchases: => 1
Random Hyper Obol
➥ Section: => Limited Specials
➥ Name: => GemP25
➥ Mtx Name: => Random Hyper Obol
➥ Item Display Name: => Hyper Obol Stack
➥ Desc: => Gives you a random Circle Hyper Obol! The four equal possibilites are +4% DROP RATE, +2% ALL STAT, +3% DAMAGE, and +2% MULTIKILL PER TIER!
➥ Cost: => 475
➥ No: => 92
➥ Max Purchases: => 5
➥ Qty: => 1