Limited Specials
72 Hour Candy Maybe
➥ Section: => Limited Specials
➥ Name: => Timecandy6
➥ Mtx Name: => 72 Hour Candy Maybe
➥ Item Display Name: => 72 HR Time Candy
➥ Desc: => READ THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. This purchase has a 50% chance for the coveted 72 hr candy, and a 50% chance to just be a lame 12 hour candy. Ok you can stop reading now.
➥ Cost: => 435
➥ No: => 91
➥ Max Purchases: => 16
➥ Qty: => 1
Balling Nametag
➥ Section: => Limited Specials
➥ Name: => EquipmentNametag3
➥ Mtx Name: => Balling Nametag
➥ Item Display Name: => Balling Nametag
➥ Desc: => Instead of telling the world that you dropped 2500 gems with the chat ring, show them with this nametag instead! Comes with a 40% Drop Rate bonus.
➥ Cost: => 2500
➥ No: => 88
➥ Max Purchases: => 1
➥ Qty: => 1
Gold Pocketwatch
➥ Section: => Limited Specials
➥ Name: => Quest77
➥ Mtx Name: => Gold Pocketwatch
➥ Item Display Name: => Gold Pocketwatch
➥ Desc: => Gives you a pocketwatch that fast forwards a day, restocking shops and triggering various daily rewards and systems. One use only, of course.
➥ Cost: => 490
➥ No: => 90
➥ Max Purchases: => 6
➥ Qty: => 1
Random Cape
➥ Section: => Limited Specials
➥ Name: => EquipmentCape0
➥ Mtx Name: => Random Cape
➥ Item Display Name: => Angel Wings
➥ Desc: => Gives you a random cape, it could be any one of them currently in IdleOn! There are 14 possibilities, including the ones from special bundles!
➥ Cost: => 1400
➥ No: => 87
➥ Max Purchases: => 1