From IdleOn MMO Wiki
Abbreviation | Name | Value | Equivalent |
K | Thousand or Kilodillion | 10^3 | |
M | Million | 10^6 | |
B | Billion | 10^9 | |
T | Trillion | 10^12 | |
Qa | Quadrillion | 10^15 | |
Qi | Quintillion | 10^18 | |
Sx | Sextillion | 10^21 | |
Sp | Septillion | 10^24 | |
O | Octillion | 10^27 | |
No | Nonillion | 10^30 | |
D | Decillion | 10^33 | |
Udc | Undecillion | 10^36 | |
Dd | Duodecillion | 10^39 | |
Tdc | Tredecillion | 10^42 | |
Qt | Quattuordecillion | 10^45 | |
Qd | Quindecillion | 10^48 | |
Sd | Sexdecillion | 10^51 | |
St | Septendecillion | 10^54 | |
Od | Octodecillion | 10^57 | |
Nm | Novemdecillion | 10^60 | |
Vg | Vigintillion | 10^63 | |
Uvg | Unvigintillion | 10^66 | |
Dvg | Duovigintillion | 10^69 | |
Tvg | Tresvigintillion or Trevigintillion | 10^72 | |
Qav | Quattuorvigintillion | 10^75 | |
Qvg | Quinvigintillion | 10^78 | |
Svg | Sexvigintillion or Sesvigintillion | 10^81 | |
Spv | Septemvigintillion or Septenvigintillion | 10^84 | |
Ovg | Octovigintillion | 10^87 | |
Nvg | Novemvigintillion or Novenvigintillion | 10^90 | |
Tg | Trigintillion | 10^93 | |
Ut | Untrigintillion | 10^96 | |
Dt | Duotrigintillion | 10^99 | |
Reamining will follow e# notation. |
* Sources from an external Github site.
local p = {}
local NumberParser = require('Module:NumberParser')
local Utility = require("Module:Utility")
local decimals = ''
-- Currently supporting up to ^93
'K', 'M', 'B', 'T', 'Qa', 'Qi', 'Sx', 'Sp', 'O',
'No', 'D', 'Udc', 'Dd', 'Tdc', 'Qt', 'Qd', 'Sd',
'St', 'Od', 'Nm', 'Vg', 'Uvg', 'Dvg', 'Tvg', 'Qav',
'Qvg', 'Svg', 'Spv', 'Ovg', 'Nvg', 'Tg', 'Ut', 'Dt'
local function preprocess(inNum)
local numstr = tostring(inNum)
-- If it is in e notation, ensure it parses as a string.
if numstr:lower():find("e") ~= nil then
numstr = NumberParser.parse(numstr)
-- Strip out anything from the decimal point onwards.
decimals = numstr:find("%.(.*)") ~= nil and numstr:sub(numstr:find("%.(.*)")) or ""
numstr = numstr:gsub("%.(.*)", "")
-- check if decimal is extrenious
if decimals ~= nil and tonumber(decimals:sub(2)) == 0 then decimals = '' end
-- Return if Lots is the word, otherwise return bad number
if tonumber(numstr) == nil then
-- This could potentially break things if Lots is returned to another process.
if numstr == "Lots" then
return numstr
return "<BAD NUMBER>[[Category:Error Template NumberFormater]][[Category:Error Template NumberFormater bad number]]"
return numstr
function p.main(frame)
-- If the first argument is nil or blank, return nil.
if frame.args[1] == nil or frame.args[1] == "" then
return "<NIL>[[Category:Error Template NumberFormater]][[Category:Error Template NumberFormater nil]]"
local numstr = preprocess(frame.args[1])
if frame.args.formattype ~= "tooltip" then
return p.formatnumber(numstr)
return p.formatnumberwithtootip(numstr)
function p.formatnumber(arg)
if tonumber(arg) == nil then return arg end
-- how many digts are after the first digit divided by 3.
local unit = math.floor((arg:len() - 1) / 3)
if unit == 0 or arg:len() <= 5 then
return arg
local n = string.format("%.1f", tonumber(arg) / math.pow(10, unit*3)):gsub("%.0", "")
if unit <= 33 then
return string.format("%s %s", n, UNIT_EXPONENTS[unit])
return string.format("%s e<sup>%s</sup>", n, unit*3)
function p.formatnumberwithtootip(arg)
local arg1 = preprocess(arg)
local arg2 = p.formatnumber(arg1)
-- If formatnumber returned the same value then return that same value, otherwise format as tooltip.
if arg1 ~= arg2 then
return string.format(Utility.tooltipstruct, p.formatwithseperator(arg1), arg2)
return p.formatwithseperator(arg1)
function p.formatwithseperator(arg)
local ret = ''
arg = preprocess(arg)
-- Iterate from the end and add in commas.
while arg:len() > 3 do
ret = "," .. arg:sub(-3) .. ret
arg = arg:sub(1, -4)
-- Prepend remaining digits.
ret = arg .. ret .. decimals
-- clear decimals
decimals = ''
return ret
return p