From IdleOn MMO Wiki
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:RecipeDetails/doc
local p = {}
local cargo = mw.ext.cargo
local allRecipes = require("Module:RecipeDetails/data").allRecipes
local function fuseBaseIngredients(oldTable, newTable)
local old = oldTable
local new = newTable
for n=1, #new do -- For each item in the new table
local newItem = true -- Initialize newItem boolean
for o=1, #old do -- Check each item in the old table
if old[o].Item == new[n].Item then -- If the there is a match
-- Add value, set boolean to false, and break loop.
old[o].Amount = old[o].Amount + new[n].Amount
newItem = false
if newItem == true then old[#old+1] = new[n] end -- If it is a new item then add new item.
return old
local function getRecipeItems( inItem, multi, pad )
local item = inItem
local multiplier = multi or 1
local ingredients = {}
local indent = pad or 1
if allRecipes[item] == nil then return {} end -- if no results, exit with an empty table.
local recipe = {}
for _, v in pairs(allRecipes[item]) do
recipe[#recipe+1] = v
for n=1, #recipe / 2 do
local tuple = {}
local i = 1 + ((n-1) * 2) -- Need to go by twos instead of ones.
tuple.Padding = indent
tuple.Item = recipe[i]
tuple.Amount = tonumber(recipe[i+1]) * multiplier
ingredients[n] = tuple
-- Return table of items and values.
return ingredients
-- Takes a list of items and an optional iterator for indentation.
local function RecipeBreakdownRecursive(inItems, i, inFullTable)
local fullTableStruct = inFullTable or {}
local items = inItems
local indent = i or 1
for n = 1, #items do
local tuple = {Padding = indent, Item = items[n].Item, Amount = items[n].Amount}
-- Insert item into fullTableStruct.
fullTableStruct[#fullTableStruct+1] = tuple
-- Query smithing table for the recipe and retrieve the ingeredients
local reciItems = getRecipeItems(items[n].Item, items[n].Amount)
-- If previous line's result is not empty then recursively call this function and increment i.
if #reciItems ~= 0 then
-- If reciItems is not nil then recursively call this function and increment i.
local retTable = RecipeBreakdownRecursive(reciItems, indent + 1, fullTableStruct)
return fullTableStruct
-- Takes a list of items and an optional iterator for indentation.
local function RecipeBreakdownLoop(inItems)
local items = inItems
local fullTable = items
local function insertItems(newItems, index)
local newTable = {}
local o = 1
while o <= index do newTable[#newTable+1] = items[o]; o = o + 1 end
for n=1, #newItems do newTable[#newTable+1] = newItems[n] end
while o <= #items do newTable[#newTable+1] = items[o]; o = o + 1 end
fullTable = newTable
local indent = 1
local deepest = 1
-- For each item in a growing table, check if the item at current indent level has a recipe.
-- If it does, set deepest to index +1 and add items to table at index.
-- Repeat until indent equals deepest after processing full table.
while true do
for n=1, #items do
if items[n].Padding == indent then
-- Check if item has a recipe: (Name, Multi, Padding)
local recipe = getRecipeItems(items[n].Item, items[n].Amount, indent + 1)
if #recipe >= 1 then
deepest = indent + 1
-- insert recipe into items table at n with padding indent + 1.
insertItems(recipe, n)
if deepest == indent then break else indent = indent + 1; items = fullTable end
return items
local function ParseBaseItemsTable(fullTableStruct)
local fullList = fullTableStruct
local baseList = {}
for n=1, #fullList do
local itemRecipe = getRecipeItems(fullList[n].Item, 1, 1)
if #itemRecipe < 1 then
local addBaseItem = { {Item = fullList[n].Item, Amount = fullList[n].Amount} } -- A Table with 1 inner Table
baseList = fuseBaseIngredients(baseList, addBaseItem)
return baseList
local function checkDeepestLevel(inRecipesTable)
local items = inRecipesTable
for n=1, #items do
local item = items[n].Item
local ret = getRecipeItems(item, 1, 1)
if #ret >= 1 then
return 2 -- If it goes deeper than the first level then return 2.
return 1 -- If it is not deeper than the first level then return 1.
function p.Builder( frame )
local item = frame.args.Item
local items = getRecipeItems(item)
-- Check if deepest level is greater than 1. If it is then continue.
if checkDeepestLevel(items) > 1 then
-- local fullTableStruct = RecipeBreakdownRecursive(items, 1, {})
local fullTableStruct = RecipeBreakdownLoop(items)
local baseIngredients = ParseBaseItemsTable(fullTableStruct)
local function appendNestedTables(tableName, tableType)
local newTable= {}
for n=1, #tableName do
local pad = ''
if tableType == 0 then pad = tableName[n].Padding .. ", " end
newTable[#newTable+1] = pad .. tableName[n].Item .. ", " .. tableName[n].Amount
return table.concat(newTable, ", ")
local breakdown = appendNestedTables(fullTableStruct, 0)
local totals = appendNestedTables(baseIngredients, 1)
-- Store it in the Cargo Table: item, breakdown, totals.
frame:callParserFunction{ name = '#cargo_store', args = {"_table=DetailedRecipes", Item = item, Breakdown = breakdown, Totals = totals} }
return '<br/>Stored data for the item: ' .. item
function p.cargo_attach( frame )
frame:callParserFunction{ name = '#cargo_attach', args = {"_table=DetailedRecipes"} }
-- frame:extensionTag{ name = 'cargo_attach', args= {_table = "DetailedRecipes"} }
return 'Attach script ran. <br/>'
return p