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Worldo is found in Inside the Igloo, accessible from W3 Town. He is also the shopkeeper within Glacial Basement, the third Party Dungeon.

Quest Information for Worldo
Quest Name Quest Text Difficulty Requirements Consumed? Rewards Notes
Account Wide icon.png
Odd Jobs for Cold Hard Cash
Complete 15 jobs in the Glacial Basement Dungeon. It's the task shown at the top. Difficulty 3.png Jobs Completed: > 15 No 1xDungeon Card Pack.png Dungeon Card Pack, 3xDungeon Loot Dice.png Dungeon Loot Dice
Account Wide icon.png
Can't Guard if you're Dead!
Defeat 12 Ice Guards in a single run. Difficulty 6.png Guards Defeated: > 12 No 1xDungeon Card Pack.png Dungeon Card Pack, 4xDungeon Loot Dice.png Dungeon Loot Dice
Dialogue Table for Worldo
Dialogue Text Quest
... don't say it. Don't you say it!
'You stare at Worldo blankly without talking since you have no face or mouth.'
Good good. I was about to go nasty on you if you made a Where's Worldo joke...
Anyway you best get down there and get to work! Plenty of odd jobs to be done and in today's economy you better work a few of them at once!
Enter the basement through that cave to the left and try to make something of yourself!
QUEST:Complete 15 jobs in the Glacial Basement Dungeon. It's the task shown at the top.
Odd Jobs for Cold Hard Cash
You don't have enough inventory space clear some up!
Nice work you've got spirit at least more than most who come face to face with an oppressive economic system like that.
But you gotta stop working for others and take them head one! Fight the power!!
QUEST:Defeat 12 Ice Guards in a single run.
Can't Guard if you're Dead!
You don't have enough inventory space clear some up!
That'll show 'em!
Well guess that's all we can do. I mean I'd give you a quest to kill the Big Boss and bring down the system but if any of his goons found out they'd come get me for sure... so yea no more quests.