Crazy Concoctions
Crazy Concoctions
Throws 1 of 4 potions, with a potency of %
Red Potion: Deals AoE damage to enemies; Green Potion: Heals yourself; Purple Potion: Debuffs enemies lowering their defense
Yellow Potion: Debuffs enemies increasing EXP gained; Black Potion: Hit yourself for extended invulnerability
Auspicious Aura
Auspicious Aura
Casts aura which heals you and damages monsters. The strength of the aura is %
Sizzling Skull
Sizzling Skull
This talent is not yet functional. Blame the meeblings, not me!
Accuracy needed to hit monsters is % lower
Instant Invincibility
Instant Invincibility
When damaged, you will stay invincible for an additional + more seconds
Virile Vials
Virile Vials
+% damage dealt for every alchemy vial upgraded to at least Green LV
Occult Obols
Occult Obols
Obols give +% more WIS than what is listed
Stupendous Statues
Stupendous Statues
'Exp', 'Lumberbob', and 'Cauldron' statues give +% more bonus
Wis Wumbo
Fantasia Flasks
Fantasia Flasks
Each Lv of 'Mage is Best' Bubble raises max Lv of 'Farsight', up to +
Cranium Cooking
Cranium Cooking
Killing a monster gives seconds of instant alchemy progress. Lasts for seconds
Busy Brewin'
Busy Brewin'
Boosts brew speed by +% for this character.
Bubble Breakthrough
Bubble Breakthrough
+% Alchemy EXP. Also, +% odds of New Bubble when brewing on this player
Sharing Some Smarts
Sharing Some Smarts
All characters in the same cauldron as this one gain +% more Alch EXP.
Earlier Education
Earlier Education
+ Talent Points for the 'Mage' talent tab. What, these talent's aint good 'nuff for ya?