Snake Jar

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Revision as of 12:57, 22 January 2021 by imported>Blackwolfe

Quest Information for Snake Jar
Quest Name Quest Text Difficulty Requirements Consumed? Rewards Notes
Lookin' Like a Snack Get some teeth so you can be eaten! Mmm, yummy! Difficulty 3.png 4200Megalodon Tooth.png Megalodon Tooth Yes 3 Warped Helmet Upgrade Stone.png Warped Helmet Upgrade Stone, 6 Gem.png Gem
Red Stuff Bad! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GODS!!! Err... I mean, get HP pots! Difficulty 3.png 8500Small Life Potion.png Small Life Potion Yes 1 Storage Chest 11.png Storage Chest 11, 1 12 HR Time Candy.png 12 HR Time Candy
PSA. You Are Being Eaten! Wait, why do they want to pretend to have eaten you again? Uh oh, I don't like the look of that Quest Helper... Difficulty 4.png Survive being Eaten: 4 Stand Near Snake Jar: 1 No 1 Jar.png Jar, 3 Medium Experience Balloon.png Medium Experience Balloon, 20 Gem.png Gem
Dialogue Table for Snake Jar
Dialogue Text Quest
...pperrr isss trying to talk to me. Come clossser so that I may eat you alive. I definitely won't give you a quesssst or anything.
Ssssssurprise! I wasss lying, I am indeed going to give you a quesssst! But I ssstill indend to eat you alive, sssso get me some teeth! Lookin' Like a Snack
You have no sssspace! Please, clear 2 spaces for these itemssss.
Ssssuch wonderful teeth, but turnssss out I already have teeth with which to eat you! My misssstake, sssssss!
Ssssso, heres the thing... I can't actually bite you, because your blood would violate this game's E-10 rating. Get me sssome red liquid, so we can pretend I'm eating you! Red Stuff Bad!
You have no sssspace! Please, clear 2 spaces for these itemssss.
Fantassstic! I'll soak the teeth in this liquid, ssssso that it will appear to all that I've taken a bite out of you when I pretend to.
Now come over here, or no one will believe that I was me who brought you to your end! PSA. You Are Being Eaten!
You have no sssspace! Please, clear 3 spaces for these itemssss.
Hmm, I ssssuppose I'll have to asssk the next player I see to prepare themsssselves medium rare... your sssspecies is a bit tough for my tassstes.
