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Revision as of 13:33, 1 July 2022 by Johnny (talk | contribs)

Hoggindaz is found in Frostbite Towndra, at the bottom right of town.

His quests introduce the basics of Construction, Trapping and Worship to the player. His quests award special talents that allow the sampling resources for the 3D Printer and moving shrines.

Quest Information for Hoggindaz
Quest Name Quest Text Difficulty Requirements Consumed? Rewards Notes
Turn ON for what??? Turn on Redox Combustion in the refinery and collect Mushroom Caps and Copper Ore until you have 24 hours of fuel. Difficulty 1.png Refinery Turned On: > 1, Hours of Redox Fuel: > 24 No 3xGem.png Gem At rank 1, the refinery uses 10 Spore Caps and 5 Copper Ore every 15 minutes. You need at least 960 Spore Caps and 480 Copper Ore in your storage chest.
Trapping with the Lord Go to the map to the left and learn about the Trapping Skill. Difficulty 4.png Buy Trap from Shop: > 1, Place a Trap in Jungle: > 1 No 1x1 HR Time Candy.png 1 HR Time Candy, 4xGem.png Gem You must complete the Lord of the Hunt's first quest to have the ability to place traps in the jungle (Slime map)
Constructing a Tower Build the Red and Orange Signposts and also make some Cogs by going to the 'Cog' Tab and opening the Cog Shelf and dragging in some players. Difficulty 3.png 3D Printer Built: > 1, Wizard Defender Built: > 1, Cogs Made: > 1 No Special Talent Book.png Printer Sampling (Special Talent Book), 2xGem.png Gem Collect a cog on the character with this quest active. Cogs collected by another character won't count. Wizard Defenders are in the middle row.
Monke Tower Time! Start a round of Tower Defence by going to the Goblin Map in World 1. Also equip that wax skull! Difficulty 2.png Summon Goblin Gorefest: > 1, Place Wizard Towers: > 4 No 1x1 HR Time Candy.png 1 HR Time Candy, 2xGem.png Gem You need at least 25% charge to play a round of Worship at the Glublin totem. Purchase and equip a Wax Skull.png Wax Skull from the W3 town shop to gain charge. Charge is per-character, not account wide.
Taking Samples Use the Star Book then add the talent to your attack bar and take samples! Difficulty 1.png Take Samples: > 2 No Special Talent Book.png Shrine Architect (Special Talent Book), 2xGem.png Gem You must be in a map with AFK info of an activity in order to sample it. For instance, go to the Green Mushroom map or the Copper Ore mining area, then activate the talent. You can then print whatever you sampled in the 3D printer. Until you upgrade your printer in construction, only your first character can take samples.
Voter Recognition Get Shuvelle's Vote for Hoggi. Difficulty 3.png 1xShuvelle's Vote.png Shuvelle's Vote Yes 3x2 HR Time Candy.png 2 HR Time Candy
Voter Appeasement Get Yondergreen's Vote for Hoggi. Difficulty 5.png 1xYondergreens Vote.png Yondergreens Vote Yes 2x4 HR Time Candy.png 4 HR Time Candy
Voter Apathy Get Bill Brr's Vote for Hoggi. Difficulty 6.png 1xBill Brr's Vote.png Bill Brr's Vote Yes 1x12 HR Time Candy.png 12 HR Time Candy
Chizoar No More Defeat Chizoar the World 3 Boss. Difficulty 5.png Chizoar Defeated: > 1 No 1xHoggi Token.png Hoggi Token, 2xLarge Experience Balloon.png Large Experience Balloon, 4xMedium Experience Balloon.png Medium Experience Balloon
The Fresh Prince of the Tundra Prove your worthiness as the Tundra's Frost Prince. Difficulty 1.png 1xTundra NPC Completion Token.png Tundra NPC Completion Token, 1xTundra Skills Completion Token.png Tundra Skills Completion Token, 1xTundra Misc Completion Token.png Tundra Misc Completion Token Yes 1xFrost Prince.png Frost Prince
Dialogue Table for Hoggindaz
Dialogue Text Quest
Hi! My name is Hoggi and I am the mayor of Frostbite Tundra Town! Of course we just call it Frostbite Towndra hehe!
Anyway I've been waiting for someone like you to come around for ages!! No seriously wasn't the release of this world delayed by a few weeks?
Well you're here now! Better get started before all those early players get too far ahead of you! Let me show you what our world has to offer...
First up the Refinery! See that smoke machine up there? Go turn it on and collect the fuel it needs into your Storage Chest!
QUEST:Turn on Redox Combustion in the refinery and collect Mushroom Caps and Copper Ore until you have 24 hours of fuel.
Turn ON for what???
You don't have enough inventory space clear some up!
You figured that out pretty quickly! Most people just take one look at it and go straight to Lava to ask him how it works...
While we wait for the refinery to produce some salts lets start Trapping!
Go to the woods map over to the left and talk to the Lord of the Hunt. He will explain Trapping better than I ever could!
QUEST:Go to the map to the left and learn about the Trapping Skill.
Trapping with the Lord
You don't have enough inventory space clear some up!
Nice you did it!
Anyway let's start some Construction!
See that Workbench? Try building the first two buildings! GO TO THE 'COG' TAB TO GET BUILD SPEED!! Sorry to yell hehehe I just really like cogs is all!
QUEST:Build the Red and Orange Signposts and also make some Cogs by going to the 'Cog' Tab and opening the Cog Shelf and dragging in some players.
Constructing a Tower
You don't have enough inventory space clear some up!
Well package me up and sell me without a spoon you hardly even need my help! Let me show you one last thing before you go though.
It's the 3rd skill of this world Worship! It's an extremely complex skill with very nuanced strategy and and rules!
... ok it's basically just the Monkey Ballon game.
Go to the totem in the Glublin Forest. You probably know it as 'that totem thing that I don't know what it is'.
QUEST:Start a round of Tower Defence by going to the Goblin Map in World 1. Also equip that wax skull!
Monke Tower Time!
You don't have enough inventory space clear some up!
Well thats it!
... ok oooone last thing super quick! It's super important!
Remember those star books I gave you? Well one of them lets you collect samples for the 3d printer!
Use the Star Book and level up the talent once. Then drag it into your Attack bar and use it in any map!
Take samples using your new Star Talent! Just don't do it in Town...
QUEST:Use the Star Book then add the talent to your attack bar and take samples!
Taking Samples
You don't have enough inventory space clear some up!
Well thats it! That's all I had to tell you and since there's no evil boss or anything in this world and definitely never will be there's nothing left for me to say!
Erm... scratch that apparently the world boss just got coded up and has taken over a large tunnel in the Crystal Catacombs...
Well as the Mayor of this world I guess it falls on me to fix this!!! If not I may lose my position next election!
...oooooooor I could NOT fix it and instead just pander to my voter base to get re-elected! Yea let's do that instead!
Hmm which voter should we target first? How about Shuvelle? She's out in the Mamooth map. She's a hardline ICE Party member and will surely declare her vote!
QUEST:Get Shuvelle's Vote for Hoggi.
Voter Recognition
You don't have enough inventory space clear some up!
Fantastic! We only need two more signatures to guarantee a victory since descrimination laws in this world prevent Pigs and Humans from casting a vote.
Now then lets shift our focus to the '65 and over' demographic that's where all the donations come from! I bet Yondergreen would fit right in he was a contract lawyer after all!
QUEST:Get Yondergreen's Vote for Hoggi.
Voter Appeasement
You don't have enough inventory space clear some up!
Well done! We only need one more signature and re-election will be mine!
So who is even left... uh oh. There's gotta be someone other than Bill right? No? Ugh I don't think that guy's ever voted for ANYONE but he's our only shot so lets get to it!
QUEST: Get Bill Brr's Vote for Hoggi.
Voter Apathy
You don't have enough inventory space clear some up!
You got it?? Oh you filled it out I see... meh what's an election without a bit of corruption right? I'm sure if we weren't just 2d drawings we would be more than capable of doing without corruption!
Just gotta wait for the election results to come through!
Return at Class Lv. 80
I won the popular vote!!! Fortunately the popular vote is what determines who wins the election here since how else would an election work?
My first order as Mayor is for you to go defeat that world boss who invaded just before the election! Come to think of it why didn't I do that back then I was still mayor... QUEST:Defeat Chizoar the World 3 Boss. Chizoar No More
You don't have enough inventory space clear some up!
You really are resourceful almost as resource-full as your storage chest haha!
I've been thinking though...
How would you like to be my prince? Prince's are a step below Mayors in this world but it's still a step up from whatever title you have no offence!
QUEST:Prove your worthiness as the Tundra's Frost Prince.
The Fresh Prince of the Tundra
You don't have enough inventory space clear some up!
You got it?? Oh you filled it out I see... meh what's an election without a bit of corruption right? I'm sure if we weren't just 2d drawings we would be more than capable of doing without corruption!