60 rows are stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Lustre Veil |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 1 |
LevelReq | Integer | 50 |
Resource1 | String | Void Imperium Helmet |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Skelefish |
Quantity2 | Integer | 80,000 |
Resource3 | String | Lustre Bar |
Quantity3 | Integer | 2,500 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Start
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Lustre Chestplate |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 2 |
LevelReq | Integer | 51 |
Resource1 | String | Void Imperium Platebody |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Purple Mush Cap |
Quantity2 | Integer | 100,000 |
Resource3 | String | Lustre Bar |
Quantity3 | Integer | 1,200 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Start
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Lustre Scales |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 3 |
LevelReq | Integer | 52 |
Resource1 | String | Void Imperium Shardshins |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Purple Screw |
Quantity2 | Integer | 60,000 |
Resource3 | String | Lustre Bar |
Quantity3 | Integer | 1,600 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Start
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Lustre Shieldshoe |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 4 |
LevelReq | Integer | 53 |
Resource1 | String | Void Imperium Kicks |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | TV Remote |
Quantity2 | Integer | 120,000 |
Resource3 | String | Lustre Bar |
Quantity3 | Integer | 2,000 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Start
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Knuckle Sabers |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 5 |
LevelReq | Integer | 60 |
Resource1 | String | Eclectic Ordeal |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Thingymabob |
Quantity2 | Integer | 50,000 |
Resource3 | String | Dioxide Synthesis |
Quantity3 | Integer | 2,000 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Slimsharp Fin |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 6 |
LevelReq | Integer | 52 |
Resource1 | String | Deuscythe |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Alien Hive Chunk |
Quantity2 | Integer | 90,000 |
Resource3 | String | Dioxide Synthesis |
Quantity3 | Integer | 500 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Shardsure Leif |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 7 |
LevelReq | Integer | 52 |
Resource1 | String | Blackhole Bow |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Skelefish |
Quantity2 | Integer | 110,000 |
Resource3 | String | Dioxide Synthesis |
Quantity3 | Integer | 500 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Skullslip Hallow |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 8 |
LevelReq | Integer | 52 |
Resource1 | String | Grey Gatsby |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Bunny |
Quantity2 | Integer | 50,000 |
Resource3 | String | Dioxide Synthesis |
Quantity3 | Integer | 500 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Lustre Pickaxe |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 9 |
LevelReq | Integer | 52 |
Resource1 | String | Void Imperium Pik |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Lustre Bar |
Quantity2 | Integer | 1,000 |
Resource3 | String | Dioxide Synthesis |
Quantity3 | Integer | 600 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Massive Mining Pouch |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 10 |
LevelReq | Integer | 53 |
Resource1 | String | Lustre Ore |
Quantity1 | Integer | 110,000 |
Resource2 | String | Dioxide Synthesis |
Quantity2 | Integer | 400 |
Resource3 | String | |
Quantity3 | Integer | |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Lustre Logger |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 11 |
LevelReq | Integer | 52 |
Resource1 | String | Void Imperium Axe |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Alien Hive Chunk |
Quantity2 | Integer | 110,000 |
Resource3 | String | Dioxide Synthesis |
Quantity3 | Integer | 600 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Massive Choppin Pouch |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 12 |
LevelReq | Integer | 53 |
Resource1 | String | Alien Hive Chunk |
Quantity1 | Integer | 110,000 |
Resource2 | String | Dioxide Synthesis |
Quantity2 | Integer | 400 |
Resource3 | String | |
Quantity3 | Integer | |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Lustre Rod |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 13 |
LevelReq | Integer | 53 |
Resource1 | String | Skelefish |
Quantity1 | Integer | 90,000 |
Resource2 | String | Void Imperium Rod |
Quantity2 | Integer | 1 |
Resource3 | String | Dioxide Synthesis |
Quantity3 | Integer | 750 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Massive Fish Pouch |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 14 |
LevelReq | Integer | 54 |
Resource1 | String | Skelefish |
Quantity1 | Integer | 120,000 |
Resource2 | String | Dioxide Synthesis |
Quantity2 | Integer | 500 |
Resource3 | String | |
Quantity3 | Integer | |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Lustre Netting |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 15 |
LevelReq | Integer | 53 |
Resource1 | String | Worker Bee |
Quantity1 | Integer | 130,000 |
Resource2 | String | Void Imperium Net |
Quantity2 | Integer | 1 |
Resource3 | String | Dioxide Synthesis |
Quantity3 | Integer | 750 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Massive Bug Pouch |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 16 |
LevelReq | Integer | 54 |
Resource1 | String | Worker Bee |
Quantity1 | Integer | 110,000 |
Resource2 | String | Dioxide Synthesis |
Quantity2 | Integer | 500 |
Resource3 | String | |
Quantity3 | Integer | |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Meaty Traps |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 17 |
LevelReq | Integer | 54 |
Resource1 | String | Jade Scarab |
Quantity1 | Integer | 10 |
Resource2 | String | Steel Traps |
Quantity2 | Integer | 1 |
Resource3 | String | Dioxide Synthesis |
Quantity3 | Integer | 1,000 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Massive Critter Pouch |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 18 |
LevelReq | Integer | 55 |
Resource1 | String | Honker |
Quantity1 | Integer | 100,000 |
Resource2 | String | Dioxide Synthesis |
Quantity2 | Integer | 1,000 |
Resource3 | String | |
Quantity3 | Integer | |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Glauss Skull |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 19 |
LevelReq | Integer | 54 |
Resource1 | String | Frigid Soul |
Quantity1 | Integer | 40,000 |
Resource2 | String | Manifested Skull |
Quantity2 | Integer | 1 |
Resource3 | String | Dioxide Synthesis |
Quantity3 | Integer | 1,000 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Massive Soul Pouch |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 20 |
LevelReq | Integer | 55 |
Resource1 | String | Frigid Soul |
Quantity1 | Integer | 90,000 |
Resource2 | String | Dioxide Synthesis |
Quantity2 | Integer | 1,000 |
Resource3 | String | |
Quantity3 | Integer | |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Rough Rockers |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 21 |
LevelReq | Integer | 56 |
Resource1 | String | Cavern Trekkers |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Lustre Shieldshoe |
Quantity2 | Integer | 1 |
Resource3 | String | Copper Ore |
Quantity3 | Integer | 300,000 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Fiberous Footings |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 22 |
LevelReq | Integer | 56 |
Resource1 | String | Logger Heels |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Lustre Shieldshoe |
Quantity2 | Integer | 1 |
Resource3 | String | Oak Logs |
Quantity3 | Integer | 300,000 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Deep Sea Galoshes |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 23 |
LevelReq | Integer | 56 |
Resource1 | String | Angler Boots |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Lustre Shieldshoe |
Quantity2 | Integer | 1 |
Resource3 | String | Goldfish |
Quantity3 | Integer | 300,000 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Spaggy Westerados |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 24 |
LevelReq | Integer | 56 |
Resource1 | String | Bandito Boots |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Lustre Shieldshoe |
Quantity2 | Integer | 1 |
Resource3 | String | Fly |
Quantity3 | Integer | 300,000 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Chef Hat Shoes |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 25 |
LevelReq | Integer | 55 |
Resource1 | String | Cooking Clogs |
Quantity1 | Integer | 4 |
Resource2 | String | Lustre Shieldshoe |
Quantity2 | Integer | 1 |
Resource3 | String | |
Quantity3 | Integer | |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Sheek Scrubs |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 26 |
LevelReq | Integer | 55 |
Resource1 | String | Laboratory Scrubs |
Quantity1 | Integer | 4 |
Resource2 | String | Lustre Shieldshoe |
Quantity2 | Integer | 1 |
Resource3 | String | |
Quantity3 | Integer | |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Massive Food Pouch |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 27 |
LevelReq | Integer | 58 |
Resource1 | String | Sheepie Dairy |
Quantity1 | Integer | 175,000 |
Resource2 | String | Magic Meatloaf |
Quantity2 | Integer | 30 |
Resource3 | String | Lost Batteries |
Quantity3 | Integer | 10 |
Resource4 | String | Dioxide Synthesis |
Quantity4 | Integer | 1,000 |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Start
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Massive Materials Pouch |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 28 |
LevelReq | Integer | 58 |
Resource1 | String | Genie Lamp |
Quantity1 | Integer | 130,000 |
Resource2 | String | Lost Batteries |
Quantity2 | Integer | 10 |
Resource3 | String | Dioxide Synthesis |
Quantity3 | Integer | 1,000 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Start
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Diabolical Headcase |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 29 |
LevelReq | Integer | 56 |
Resource1 | String | Lustre Veil |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Blobfish |
Quantity2 | Integer | 600,000 |
Resource3 | String | Starfire Bar |
Quantity3 | Integer | 10,000 |
Resource4 | String | Nullo Salt |
Quantity4 | Integer | 800 |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Diabolical Abdomen |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 30 |
LevelReq | Integer | 57 |
Resource1 | String | Lustre Chestplate |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Cubed Logs |
Quantity2 | Integer | 400,000 |
Resource3 | String | Starfire Bar |
Quantity3 | Integer | 2,500 |
Resource4 | String | Nullo Salt |
Quantity4 | Integer | 400 |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Diabolical Trimed Leg Guards |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 31 |
LevelReq | Integer | 58 |
Resource1 | String | Lustre Scales |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Fairy |
Quantity2 | Integer | 450,000 |
Resource3 | String | Starfire Bar |
Quantity3 | Integer | 4,000 |
Resource4 | String | Nullo Salt |
Quantity4 | Integer | 600 |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Diabolical Toe Tips |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 32 |
LevelReq | Integer | 59 |
Resource1 | String | Lustre Shieldshoe |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Manta Ray |
Quantity2 | Integer | 500,000 |
Resource3 | String | Starfire Bar |
Quantity3 | Integer | 5,000 |
Resource4 | String | Nullo Salt |
Quantity4 | Integer | 700 |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Diabolical Gauntlet |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 33 |
LevelReq | Integer | 65 |
Resource1 | String | Knuckle Sabers |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Starfire Bar |
Quantity2 | Integer | 50,000 |
Resource3 | String | Nullo Salt |
Quantity3 | Integer | 5,000 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Diabolical Flesh Ripper |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 34 |
LevelReq | Integer | 60 |
Resource1 | String | Slimsharp Fin |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Kraken |
Quantity2 | Integer | 200,000 |
Resource3 | String | Starfire Bar |
Quantity3 | Integer | 3,000 |
Resource4 | String | Nullo Salt |
Quantity4 | Integer | 750 |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Diabolical Continuit |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 35 |
LevelReq | Integer | 60 |
Resource1 | String | Shardsure Leif |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Voodofish |
Quantity2 | Integer | 10 |
Resource3 | String | Starfire Bar |
Quantity3 | Integer | 3,000 |
Resource4 | String | Nullo Salt |
Quantity4 | Integer | 750 |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Diabolical Opticule |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 36 |
LevelReq | Integer | 60 |
Resource1 | String | Skullslip Hallow |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Squishy Soul |
Quantity2 | Integer | 15,000 |
Resource3 | String | Starfire Bar |
Quantity3 | Integer | 3,000 |
Resource4 | String | Nullo Salt |
Quantity4 | Integer | 800 |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Starfire Pickaxe |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 37 |
LevelReq | Integer | 60 |
Resource1 | String | Lustre Pickaxe |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Lustre Bar |
Quantity2 | Integer | 5,000 |
Resource3 | String | Pearler Shell |
Quantity3 | Integer | 20 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Volumetric Mining Pouch |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 38 |
LevelReq | Integer | 62 |
Resource1 | String | Starfire Ore |
Quantity1 | Integer | 300,000 |
Resource2 | String | Pearler Shell |
Quantity2 | Integer | 4 |
Resource3 | String | Purple Salt |
Quantity3 | Integer | 800 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Starfire Hatchet |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 39 |
LevelReq | Integer | 60 |
Resource1 | String | Lustre Logger |
Quantity1 | Integer | 1 |
Resource2 | String | Cubed Logs |
Quantity2 | Integer | 100,000 |
Resource3 | String | Pearler Shell |
Quantity3 | Integer | 20 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Volumetric Chopping Pouch |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 40 |
LevelReq | Integer | 62 |
Resource1 | String | Cubed Logs |
Quantity1 | Integer | 300,000 |
Resource2 | String | Pearler Shell |
Quantity2 | Integer | 4 |
Resource3 | String | Purple Salt |
Quantity3 | Integer | 800 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Starfire Rod |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 41 |
LevelReq | Integer | 61 |
Resource1 | String | Manta Ray |
Quantity1 | Integer | 40,000 |
Resource2 | String | Pearler Shell |
Quantity2 | Integer | 20 |
Resource3 | String | Lustre Rod |
Quantity3 | Integer | 1 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Volumetric Fish Pouch |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 42 |
LevelReq | Integer | 63 |
Resource1 | String | Manta Ray |
Quantity1 | Integer | 300,000 |
Resource2 | String | Nullo Salt |
Quantity2 | Integer | 600 |
Resource3 | String | |
Quantity3 | Integer | |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Starfire Trim Netting |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 43 |
LevelReq | Integer | 61 |
Resource1 | String | Fairy |
Quantity1 | Integer | 100,000 |
Resource2 | String | Pearler Shell |
Quantity2 | Integer | 20 |
Resource3 | String | Lustre Netting |
Quantity3 | Integer | 1 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Volumetric Bug Pouch |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 44 |
LevelReq | Integer | 63 |
Resource1 | String | Fairy |
Quantity1 | Integer | 300,000 |
Resource2 | String | Nullo Salt |
Quantity2 | Integer | 600 |
Resource3 | String | |
Quantity3 | Integer | |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Royal Traps |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 45 |
LevelReq | Integer | 62 |
Resource1 | String | Blobfish |
Quantity1 | Integer | 100,000 |
Resource2 | String | Meaty Traps |
Quantity2 | Integer | 1 |
Resource3 | String | |
Quantity3 | Integer | |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Volumetric Critta Pouch |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 46 |
LevelReq | Integer | 64 |
Resource1 | String | Blobfish |
Quantity1 | Integer | 300,000 |
Resource2 | String | Nullo Salt |
Quantity2 | Integer | 800 |
Resource3 | String | |
Quantity3 | Integer | |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Luciferian Skull |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 47 |
LevelReq | Integer | 62 |
Resource1 | String | Squishy Soul |
Quantity1 | Integer | 60,000 |
Resource2 | String | Glauss Skull |
Quantity2 | Integer | 1 |
Resource3 | String | |
Quantity3 | Integer | |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Volumetric Soul Pouch |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 48 |
LevelReq | Integer | 64 |
Resource1 | String | Squishy Soul |
Quantity1 | Integer | 300,000 |
Resource2 | String | Nullo Salt |
Quantity2 | Integer | 800 |
Resource3 | String | |
Quantity3 | Integer | |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Volumetric Food Pouch |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 49 |
LevelReq | Integer | 64 |
Resource1 | String | Spicy Space Ribs |
Quantity1 | Integer | 500,000 |
Resource2 | String | Nullo Salt |
Quantity2 | Integer | 800 |
Resource3 | String | Pearler Shell |
Quantity3 | Integer | 25 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Volumetric Matty Pouch |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 50 |
LevelReq | Integer | 64 |
Resource1 | String | Condensed Zap |
Quantity1 | Integer | 500,000 |
Resource2 | String | Pearler Shell |
Quantity2 | Integer | 25 |
Resource3 | String | Nullo Salt |
Quantity3 | Integer | 800 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Anvil Tab 5 |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 52 |
LevelReq | Integer | 65 |
Resource1 | String | Starfire Bar |
Quantity1 | Integer | 5,000 |
Resource2 | String | Cubed Logs |
Quantity2 | Integer | 200,000 |
Resource3 | String | Fairy |
Quantity3 | Integer | 150,000 |
Resource4 | String | Nullo Salt |
Quantity4 | Integer | 600 |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Start
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Peeper Pouch |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 53 |
LevelReq | Integer | 53 |
Resource1 | String | Sand Shark |
Quantity1 | Integer | 10,000 |
Resource2 | String | Worker Bee |
Quantity2 | Integer | 20,000 |
Resource3 | String | Alien Hive Chunk |
Quantity3 | Integer | 20,000 |
Resource4 | String | Squishy Soul |
Quantity4 | Integer | 5,000 |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Task Unlocks Tab 4
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Bolstered DNA Splicer |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 54 |
LevelReq | Integer | 55 |
Resource1 | String | Ghost |
Quantity1 | Integer | 100 |
Resource2 | String | Sappy DNA Splicer |
Quantity2 | Integer | 5 |
Resource3 | String | |
Quantity3 | Integer | |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Pincermin
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Double Barreled DNA Splicer |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 55 |
LevelReq | Integer | 60 |
Resource1 | String | Ice Age 3 |
Quantity1 | Integer | 30 |
Resource2 | String | Bolstered DNA Splicer |
Quantity2 | Integer | 1 |
Resource3 | String | |
Quantity3 | Integer | |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Thermister
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Ergonomic DNA Splicer |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 56 |
LevelReq | Integer | 65 |
Resource1 | String | Lost Batteries |
Quantity1 | Integer | 200 |
Resource2 | String | Double Barreled DNA Splicer |
Quantity2 | Integer | 1 |
Resource3 | String | |
Quantity3 | Integer | |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Octodar
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Souped Lab Ring |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 57 |
LevelReq | Integer | 60 |
Resource1 | String | Lab Ring |
Quantity1 | Integer | 5 |
Resource2 | String | Purple Mush Cap |
Quantity2 | Integer | 100,000 |
Resource3 | String | Chef Ring |
Quantity3 | Integer | 1 |
Resource4 | String | |
Quantity4 | Integer | |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Mutated Mush
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Thin Veil of The Troll |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 61 |
LevelReq | Integer | 62 |
Resource1 | String | Troll Scales |
Quantity1 | Integer | 50 |
Resource2 | String | Gold Twine |
Quantity2 | Integer | 3 |
Resource3 | String | Starfire Bar |
Quantity3 | Integer | 20,000 |
Resource4 | String | Nullo Salt |
Quantity4 | Integer | 4,000 |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Hyperion Nebula Merit Shop
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Trollish Garb |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 62 |
LevelReq | Integer | 61 |
Resource1 | String | Troll Scales |
Quantity1 | Integer | 25 |
Resource2 | String | Pearler Shell |
Quantity2 | Integer | 25 |
Resource3 | String | Starfire Bar |
Quantity3 | Integer | 10,000 |
Resource4 | String | Nullo Salt |
Quantity4 | Integer | 2,800 |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Hyperion Nebula Merit Shop
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Twisted Scales |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 63 |
LevelReq | Integer | 60 |
Resource1 | String | Troll Scales |
Quantity1 | Integer | 15 |
Resource2 | String | Condensed Zap |
Quantity2 | Integer | 333,333 |
Resource3 | String | Starfire Bar |
Quantity3 | Integer | 5,000 |
Resource4 | String | Nullo Salt |
Quantity4 | Integer | 1,600 |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Hyperion Nebula Merit Shop
Field | Field type | Value |
Item | String | Soles of the Troll |
EXPGiven | Integer | 1,000,000 |
AnvilTab | String | Anvil Tab 4 |
CraftNum | Integer | 64 |
LevelReq | Integer | 59 |
Resource1 | String | Cooking Clogs |
Quantity1 | Integer | 8 |
Resource2 | String | Troll Scales |
Quantity2 | Integer | 10 |
Resource3 | String | Starfire Bar |
Quantity3 | Integer | 3,000 |
Resource4 | String | Nullo Salt |
Quantity4 | Integer | 750 |
RecipeFrom | Wikitext | Hyperion Nebula Merit Shop